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Join our family!

We are a medium-sized Saxon machine build­ing com­pany with a long tra­di­tion of more than 130 years in machine tool build­ing. The qual­ity and reli­a­bil­ity of our Glauchau grind­ing machines are famous through­out the world. As a mem­ber of the inter­na­tional NSH Group we will be focus­ing on inter­na­tion­al­i­sa­tion and growth in future.

Seize the Opportunity

To ensure our company’s future we are always look­ing for peo­ple inter­ested in met­al­work­ing. We offer appren­tice­ships and prac­ti­cal train­ing in var­i­ous met­al­work­ing pro­fes­sions. We also assign research work and cul­ti­vate inten­sive con­tacts with renowned uni­ver­si­ties and insti­tu­tions of higher learn­ing. We value team spirit and com­mit­ment as well as an excep­tional pas­sion for per­fec­tion and precision.

Shaping the Future Together

We offer excel­lent job and career oppor­tu­ni­ties within the com­pany and the NSH Group, open and co-oper­a­tive team struc­tures as well as good pay. If you would like to upgrade your qual­i­fi­ca­tions or begin your career with us, we would be pleased to hear from you and to meet you personally.

Training Opportunities at WEMA

Ausbildung Mechatronik

Mechatronics fitter

reli­able in all situations.

Ausbildung Industriemechanik

Industrial mechanic

the big picture.

Duales Studium BA

Integrated degree programme [Glauchau Vocational Academy]

You have a plan!

Kaufmännische Ausbildung

Business management training

Num­bers please!
